20 Famous People We Forgot Did Horrible Things
Nobody is perfect in this world. But there's a difference between being perfect and not being a terrible human being.
Surprisingly enough there have been quite a few very famous people throughout our history who have done pretty unspeakable things. Thanks to AskReddit, we've collected the most notable figures who have done some of the worst things a human can do.
From Coco Chanel to CeeLo Green, these are disturbing names to say the least. Buckle up.
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Boy George abducted & tortured a man in 2007. -CarbonatedGoulash -
Alexander Graham Bell (yes, the telephone guy) campaigned for and eventually helped to outlaw sign language in both Deaf and hearing schools, hoping to integrate schools with both Deaf and hearing students. Instead, he ended up depriving Deaf students who were not able to hear of language. The last of these laws banning sign in the US was finally repealed in… 1979. Canada didn’t finish ridding themselves of these laws until 2010. -SaltwaterArmadillo -
Didn't Caitlyn Jenner hit and kill someone with her car? -BatteryDaddy2 -
Johnny Cash started a wildfire that almost wiped out the California condor. When held accountable, he showed no remorse. -MostlySpiders -
Former NHL player Craig MacTavish. Killed a woman while driving drunk, went to jail for a year and missed playing for one season. Got his name on four Stanley Cups afterwards and is currently an assistant coach for the St Louis Blues. -Exotic-Ferret-3452 -
CeeLo Green. In 2012 he slipped a woman an ecstasy pill without her knowledge and raped her while she was unconscious. She woke up naked in his bed with no memory of what happened. His charges were eventually lowered to a felony of supplying ecstasy. In response to backlash, he tweeted: "People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!" -EastNefariousness603 -
Coco Chanel. Ratted her Jewish employees out to the Nazis, then got them back at a reduced rate as slaves from the camps. -MostlySpiders -
Salvador Dali found a thrill in torturing and killing living things, both animals and humans. He tried to kill his sister and one of his lovers. He tortured and killed animals. George Orwell wrote a scathing condemnation of our willingness to overlook what a horrible sociopath he was just so that he might paint us another pretty picture. -LeskoLesko -
Remember when a 16yo girl overdosed in Don Henley's house, he pled guilty to misdemeanor charges and then wrote a song about how mean the media was to him? -Daddict -
Don King stomped an employee to death, after pistol whipping him, over $600 that he claimed the man owed him in the form of a gambling debt.
Then, probably with no small amount of lobbying on his part, the Cleveland City Council considered renaming the same street where it happened after him. No, not after the victim, Sam Garrett, but after the man who, again, stomped him to death. Who was convicted, although unfortunately only of manslaughter, and served just shy of 4 years in prison. -ArmsForPeace84 -
Michael Irvin, NFL hall of famer stabbed a teammate in the neck with scissors at a barber shop, because he was senior and wanted his hair cut done first. I think it was pretty close to a part of his teammate's neck that would've been a fatal wound. I love the NFL and hadn't heard about it until this past year. He never faced any jail time. -mmwood -
Jack Nicholson beat a prostitute that he hired to the point of irreversible brain damage. -anaugle -
As a teenager, Mark Wahlberg assaulted and (thought he) blinded an Asian man in what we would now call a hate crime. -magna_testiculorum -
Paul Walker has entered the chat… so has his SIGNIFICANTLY younger girlfriend. He was 33 and she was 15 if I recall. -justaguy_inaplace -
Steven Tyler had a relationship with a 16 year old girl when he was 25. He convinced the parents to sign over legal guardianship to him so that he could take her on tour with him across state lines without being arrested. He eventually pressured her into aborting his son when she was 17 years old. -PlasteredPete -
Soulja Boy beat a pregnant woman into having a miscarriage. -brdain -
S. Curtis “Curt” Johnson. The billionaire whose family owned the household products company, SC Johnson, was arrested in March 2011 for molestation. Faced with a potential 40-year sentence for repeatedly assaulting his teenage stepdaughter, the businessman who was worth an estimated $4.2 billion in 2019 only received three months in prison and a fine of $6,000. -BigDaddyFatPants -
John Travolta sexually assaulted several young men, and has seemingly faced no repercussions from this. -StunningPerformance4 -
Travis Scott essentially left his manager for dead in the studio. His loyal ex-manager who suffered from seizures, had one while Travis was with him. Travis abandoned him while it was happening and went home then texted him firing him a day later saying “I can’t have a manager who’s shaking on the ground." The lack of empathy continued with AstroWorld. -illiteratemad -
Ted Kennedy. Left a young woman to drown in his car. No consequences. -gripes-of-wrath
Boy George abducted & tortured a man in 2007. -CarbonatedGoulash